Facing More with Less: Thinking about School Budgets

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3 Responses

  1. jeffdowd says:

    I think the social sciences and humanities could learn something from the save the music campaigns. These campaigns were quite adept at pointing out how music education builds cognitive skills that are transferable to other areas like math.

    Too often liberal arts or general education requirements are viewed, by students and sadly some administrators as indulgences or at best useful for only a small percentage of careers. The rationale for a liberal arts education should not be to provide college students or high school students with a broad array of potential career paths. Such an orientation is a problem as it often excludes what i consider to be the stronger rationale for general education requirements – that each builds a distinct set of cognitive skills that people can call upon to be better workers, parents, and citizens.

  2. legolewdite says:

    What has been said of libraries in recent years seems just as appropriate to apply to education: “Cuts to libraries during a recession are like cuts to hospitals during a plague.”

    I think the dialectic (bifurcation?) which arises over the education debate is whether we value economic development or human development. Rather than making our economic interests subservient to our intellectual development, sadly, more often than not it is the other way around. When viewed so myopically, education becomes mere job training…

  3. legolewdite says:

    Also, anyone involved with the humanities and looking for a detailed yet accessible text on why our departmental budgets are in peril might find some helpful context in Christopher Newfield’s Unmaking Public Universities.

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