Black Complaints / White Denials: The Trayvon Martin Case

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1 Response

  1. Bridget Bardge says:

    I read this article several times gasping at the level of clarity expressed about black protests. As a African American who has walked many miles in protest from social issues in my community; it was somewhat gratifying to see that someone actually gets it. Our cries of protest is a collective action because we see our lives as a community or “village” that must stand together to face our problems. Whites driving through our neighborhoods are only fixated on the external number of colored faces concentrated in a small area not on the weekly posters and church signs against mass incarceration or calls to stop drug violence. These posters indicate we (blacks) frown on black on black crime but we abhor racially charged crimes even more due to the years of inequality in our own country. As a community we voice our disdain collectively and this article helps me to know, our protest messages were not all in vain. Thank you.

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