Facebook and the new language of "friendship"

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5 Responses

  1. Keri says:

    Your point about “easily disposable” is very interesting! Can you imagine this transaction occurring in person? It seems likely that reasonable people would not arrive at the same conclusion if they were face to face. If social media is cheapening friendships, then perhaps it should be renamed.


  2. Don Waisanen says:

    Great post, this is really the tip of an iceberg. Merely a year ago, I had assumed that Facebook was necessarily anchored in the trust of offline relationships in a way that bode well for the future of human interaction. I had thought that we were at least getting away from the anonymous communication of the Internet’s past (with its attendant aggressive practices etc.). But your observation that “the conventions of friendship and community are being transferred to Facebook” has now got me wondering about the degree to which the trust of Facebook relationships are now going to be imposed (top down?) upon the offline world, so that the trust one has with another on Facebook reorients and now informs the trust we can have with others. I think Keri is also on to something with the last comment about the renaming of social media–our terms for the whole phenomenon perhaps obscure more than enlighten.

  3. Dick says:

    I am really interested in further reading, whether in scholarly article or book form, about this topic. I have noticed the effects of facebook in my own life, and I am doing something about it. However, when it comes to forming my own personal indictments about facebook, I want to read some more scholarship concerning the sociological impacts of the site on the family and society.

    Does anybody have any suggestions?

  1. 6th June 2011

    […] seems to me a young person trying to get the hang of navigating the shoals and deeps of the world, making friends, getting along with the world’s various circles, its codes, its in-groups, and out-groups, its […]

  2. 31st March 2014

    […] Read a story on how Facebook may be changing the way we talk about friendship. […]

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