"Nice Bag!" Discussing Race, Class, and Sexuality in Examining Street Harassment

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2 Responses

  1. Ribbit says:

    You see, that’s the problem: ““10 Hours of Walking in NYC as a Woman” was created as a collaboration between Hollaback and Rob Bliss Creative, a video marketing company.” Did you see what you wrote, there? Rob Bliss Creative hired an actress with the intention of making a viral video. The video was meant to generate outrage . . . and it used cryptoracism to do it. Why do you think it is ok to use racism to sell the product Hollaback is pushing? Hmm . . .

  1. 14th August 2016

    […] “In ‘10 Hours of Walking in NYC as a Woman’ created by a video marketing company in 2014, an actress dressed in jeans, black t-shirt, and tennis shoes walked through various Manhattan neighborhoods, recording the actions and comments of men she encountered with a hidden camera and microphone. Throughout the walk the camera recorded over 100 instances coded as verbal harassment, ranging from friendly greetings to sexualized remarks about her body, including threats of rape. While the video was hailed as a document of street harassment and the fear of violence that are a daily part of women’s lives, it ignored race and class. The largest proportion of the men presented in the video were minorities, and, in a number of instances, the men commenting on the actress were standing against buildings, resting on fire hydrants, or sitting on folding chairs on the sidewalk, postures used to characterize lower class and unemployed men, or, as a reader commented on it: ‘The video was meant to generate outrage… and it used crypto-racism to do it.’”2 […]

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