Reality television and the valorization of "rowdy, raunchy women"

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5 Responses

  1. Keri says:

    It is also interesting to me to think about what is edited out of reality programming–and why, from the perspective of the audience and the production team.

    It seems that the violence among women is also depicting the competition that a patriarchal structure stimulates in order to distract and derail women. Thanks for an interesting post!


  2. Sarah Forbes says:

    If TV executives are determining future content according to the ratings of shows they currently produce, who is to blame for the impersonation of women as vaccuous imbeciles? The majority of the American, TV-watching population? Or TV producers? Or is it the fundamental belief held by Western society that whatever the market demands is OK to produce? It is OK to portray women in certain ways if that is what people WANT to see. It is OK for men to belittle women for entertainment if that is what people pay to watch. Perhaps American society can also take reponsibility for the failure of the education system to enable these women to make a wage in ways other than selling themselves to reality TV shows.

  3. klyczfpevu says:

    wG14VI wpbvcwerlwdq, [url=]cqynkstntisu[/url], [link=]fwssadeeysod[/link],

  1. 30th December 2009

    […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Sociology Lens, Sociology Lens. Sociology Lens said: Posted: Reality television and the valorization of “rowdy, raunchy women”: In a recent LA Times diatribe, wr… […]

  2. 9th September 2014

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