Tagged: bullying

From mourning to reflection: considerations in the aftermath of a trajedy

Rutgers University has been my intellectual home for the last 8 years. Recently, one of our freshman, Tyler Clementi, committed suicide by jumping off the George Washington Bridge. He took his own life after his roommate and another student posted a video of him engaging in sexual activity with another student on the internet. This horribly sad and disturbing event sparked an emotional reaction on our campus, as well as discussion of how to protect students from this kind of...

From Bullying to Brutality

by PlantingSeedsFromUA     In the past decade we have heard of various school shootings throughout the United States.  A search on the internet using “school shootings” as the keywords produces over one million hits.  The rise in school violence, or the appearance of, has contributed to the increased interest in the sociological investigation of the violence that takes place in schools.  Research has supported the correlation between school violence and bullying.   In recent news, a 14 year old boy...