- The Un/Deserving Child: A Qualitative Study of the Discursive Welfare Rationales of a Philanthropic Foundation for Children Living in Extreme Poverty Situations
- What About the Kids? Identifying Children in the Housing Support System in Aotearoa, New Zealand
- Solar Drying for Domestic and Industrial Applications: A Comprehensive Review of Innovations and Efficiency Enhancements
- Crop Diversification for Ensuring Sustainable Agriculture, Risk Management and Food Security
- Grave Injustice: Disrespect Toward the Dead, Transgenerational Publicity, and Reparations
- Mineral Plastics and Gels from Multi‐Arm Ionomers
- Testing the interrelationship between area deprivation and ethnic disparities in sentencing
- Friction and Fragility in Encountering Cultural Difference: Why Global South Fulbright Students Withdraw From Cosmopolitanism in the United States
- Reforming Long‐Term Care Provision and Work in Post‐Pandemic Times: Scope and Drivers of Policy Change in the Spanish Decentralised System
- Base towns: Local contestation of the US military in Korea and Japan. By Claudia Junghyun Kim, New York: Oxford University Press. 2023. pp. 228. £58.00 (hardback). ISBN:978‐019‐76‐6527‐5
- Letter from the Editors
- Accessibility, Car Dependence and Rural Peripheralization: The Automobility Gap in the Spanish Countryside
- Engaging Farmers in Biosecurity: Making Compliance Workable Within a Devolved Responsibility Approach
- WHEN WE WERE ALMOST MODERN? Theory, methods and politics in The Centre for Environmental Studies, 1966–1975
- URBANIZING VOLATILITY: On Recurrent Crises and the Economic Rhythms of Latin American Urbanization
- Does ESG Performance Affect Supply Chain Concentration? Evidence From China
- The Belt and Road Initiative and Urban Entrepreneurship: Evidence From the Opening Policy From China
- Amenity Migration and Community Wellbeing in Washington's Kittitas County Post‐COVID‐19 Pandemic
- Issue Information
- Working at Boimondau: A Community Experience
- Let ‘Pregnant Women Choose the Destiny for Themselves and Their Child’. How Fertility Clinic Digital Platforms Frame Preimplantation Genetic Testing (PGT) in Spain
- National identifications of transnational students from the USA on the northwest border of Mexico
- Comparing Caste and Race: A Terrible Idea
- Arrival infrastructures and refugee enrolment in higher education
- Issue Information
- The Relationship Between Family Socio‐Economic Status and Preschool Children Parents' Parenting Sense of Competence: The Chain Mediating Role of Social Support and Psychological Capital
- From Thought to Action: The Decision‐Making Process of Foster Parents
- Siblings of Individuals With Neurodevelopmental Conditions: Perspectives on Risk, Resiliency and Future Research Directions
- ‘MORTAL FEAST’: Cannibal capitalism meets Covid‐19 in the urban Peruvian Amazon
- Heritage Protection as Progressive Urbanism? Modernist Social Housing in England
- From Land Reform to Landfare: Land Claims and the Welfare State in Kerala, India
- Adaptation of the Chinese Ethnic to the Manado Local Community
- How Do Single Mothers Evaluate and Cope with Living in Rural Peripheries? Insights into the Interplay of Social and Spatial Disadvantage
- Political Stability, Economic Risk, and Renewable Energy Technology Innovation: International Evidence
- Saving the Wild or Saving the Cowboy? Cultural Conflict between the Old and Nouveau West
- Issue Information
- Energy Service Security for Public Health Resilience: Perception and Concerns in Western Upper Peninsula of Michigan
- Uneven Growth and Unexpected Drivers of Ethnoracial Diversity across Nonmetropolitan and Metropolitan America
- Family Farmers as Agents in the Struggle for Survival: A Case Study from Turkey
- Gleaning Rural Journalism: Rural Journalists' Agricultural and Environmental Reporting Utilizing Community Storytelling Networks
- Perceptions and Experiences of Gender Transformative Approaches in Rural Honduras
- The Dignity of Nonworking Men
- Role of Digitalization and Government Effectiveness in Sustainable Energy Transition: Evidence From Asian Economies
- Characterization of Heavy Metal Ions Removal from Water by Improved Cuttlebone Powder with Magnetic Fe3O4 Nanoparticle as a Bioadsorbent
- Teaching Social Policy: International, Comparative and Global PerspectivesBy Zoë Irving (ed.), Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 2023. 240 pp. £90 (hardback) and £23.35 (softback). ISBN: 978‐1‐03530‐200‐0
- Unpacking vulnerability among migrant minors in the EU: A case study of vulnerability among migrant minors in Spain
- Sexual violence, secrets, and work: Ruling relations of campus sexual violence policy
- Where are the men?: Investigating intersectional gender differences in postsecondary outcomes
- Conceptualising Anti‐Racist Institutionalism
- Invoking the Discourse of Children's Rights in Campaigns Around Public Space
- Three challenges of social protection in sub‐Saharan Africa: informality, climate change and pandemics
- Issue Information
- Where Men Go/Stay to Build Again: City and Post‐Deportation Coping Among Nigerian Deportees From China
- Contesting Cannabis Legalization in Nigeria: Hidden Narratives of Illicit Farmers and Traders
- Labour Market Integration of Former Clients of Czech and Polish Rehabilitation Centres: A Case Study
- Division of Labor for Effective Coalitions in Gender Policy Campaigns in South Korea
- Book Translations From Chinese to English: The Center–Periphery Relationship in the World System of Book Translations
- “It's On All the Time in Our House:” Police Scanners and Everyday Rural Life
- Privileges, and Permissions: Theorising Intersectionality and Cultures of Control in the Care of People Living With Dementia in Acute Hospital Settings
- From Straight Lines to Twists and Turns: Finding Patterns Between Socio‐Economics and Unequal Health Outcomes in the Life Course
- LOCAL INITIATIVES IN SHRINKING CITIES: On Normative Framings and Hidden Aspirations in Scholarly Work
- Cover Image
- INFORMALITY AS THE UR‐FORM OF URBANITY: Keeping the Ur‐ in Urban Studies
- INNOVATING URBAN CHINA: The Rise of the Local Venture State and the Making of New Entrepreneurial Spaces
- Issue Information
- Sustainable Sociability: Allowing Sociability Through Door Design in the Age of Social Media, a Practical Exploration of Modularity With Traditional Techniques
- Disparities in healthcare, STI testing, and PrEP access among newcomer sexual minority men in Canada's three largest urban centers
- Tolerance of homonegativity and transnegativity predicts negative evaluations of LGBT people and LGBT‐supportive policies among US‐based heterosexual, cisgender participants
- Families’ experiences of housing and housing supports within the context of parental incarceration
- Hate crime law associations with mental health and discrimination experiences among transgender and gender diverse adults
- The promise of artificial intelligence in health: Portrayals of emerging healthcare technologies
- Social support for the chronically ill during lockdown. Qualitative research in the COVID‐19 pandemic
- Where Are the Irish in Research on Ethnic Health Inequalities in Britain? A State‐Of‐The‐Art Literature Review
- Hearing the Silence and Silenced: Co‐Producing Research on Infant‐Feeding Experiences and Practices With Black Women With HIV
- The Political Sociology of NICE: Investigating Pharmaceutical Cost‐Effectiveness Regulation in the UK
- Negative media representations of young people during COVID related national lockdown increases young people's perceived stress
- Development and validation of the Abolitionist Ideology Scale with abolitionist‐identifying and nationally representative samples
- Attitudes toward mandatory vaccination and the COVID certificate as a function of vaccination status and risk perception: A vignette‐based study
- The core of division: Examining how essentialist views of the U.S. underlie right‐wing authoritarianism, social dominance orientation, and nationalism
- A majority group perspective on the association between perceived national identification of minority groups and minority helping
- Housing instability amongst takatāpui and LGBTIQ+ people in Aotearoa New Zealand
- Preserving white privileges in organizations: white fragility, white counterreactions, and institutional resistance
- The Immigration‐Related Political Ideology Scale: Development, factor structure, and validity evidence
- Material hardship and use of social safety net programs among LGBT adults and their families
- Social class group identity, intergroup attitudes, and views on social mobility and inequality in the U.K. and the U.S.
- Issue Information
- Occupationally Relevant Zinc‐ and Copper‐Containing Metal Fumes Inhibit Human THP‐1 Macrophage TNF and IL‐6 Responses to Bacterial Stimuli
- Climate Denialism
- Editorial
- Abused Women as ‘Alienating’ Mothers and Violent Men as ‘Good’ Fathers: Double Standards in Child Protection and Child Custody Proceedings
- STATE BUILDING IN CRISIS MANAGEMENT: Reflections on Statecraft from the Shanghai Lockdown
- Incivility experiences of racially minoritised hospital staff, consequences for them and implications for patient care: An international scoping review
- Surviving in the midst of ‘Nowhere’: Disrupting the conceptualisation of a maternity care desert
- Health inequalities and contemporary youth: Young people’s accounts of the social determinants of health in an ‘austere meritocracy’
- Entanglements of rare diseases in the Baltic Sea region. By Rajtar Małgorzata, and Katarzyna E. Król (Eds.), London: Lexington Books. 2024. pp. 224. $100 (pbk); $45 (ebk). ISBN: 978‐1‐66694‐238‐5/239‐2
- Sexualizing cancer: HPV and the politics of cancer prevention. By Laura Mamo, Chicago: University of Chicago Press. 2023. pp. 360. $35.00. ISBN: 978‐0226829296
- Help‐seeking and access to care for stroke and heart attack during the COVID‐19 pandemic: A qualitative study
- Contemporary visualities of ill health: On the social (media) construction of disease regimes