Sociologists, Epidemiologists, Survivors Recall 1918

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3 Responses

  1. pacard says:

    Terrific stuff, indeed. But I am not an epidemiologist. I am intruded by the relations between people. People and media. Media and power, and so on. HIV changed these in a dramatic way, for instance. The Pope and the church, in fact….

  2. pacard says:

    Frightening stuff, and what an amazing picture from the archives! They remind me of the heroic Florence Nightingale (she loved, among other things, pie charts and circular histograms).

    But I am not an epidemiologist. I am intruded by the relationship between people. People and media. Media and power, and so on. HIV changed these in a dramatic way, for instance. The Pope and the church, in fact….

  3. kiyallsmith says:

    It will be interesting to see how the epidemiologists and sociologists are able to track the Swine Flu outbreak. It might yield patterns of border crossing that were not explicit prior to the epidemic.


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